Cnr of Atterbury & Lynnwood Rd, Menlo Park, Pretoria
071 474 6523
079 496 4285
Cnr of Atterbury & Lynnwood Rd, Menlo Park, Pretoria
071 474 6523
079 496 4285
At RTF Strength and Conditioning, the collection and processing of your personal information is important to us. We are committed to handling your personal information in the right way, for the right reasons. Our POPIA Privacy Policy and PAIA Manual outlines RTF Strength and Conditioning’s practices in this regard.
By clicking on the I Agree button I/we confirm that I/we have read and understood, and bind myself / us to the terms and conditions of the POPIA Privacy Policy and PAIA Manual of RTF Strength and Conditioning. I/we consent to the use and processing of my / our private information by RTF Strength and Conditioning as contained in said POPIA Privacy Policy and PAIA Manual